Wednesday 25 September 2013

Although the image above may seem, at first glance, a negative one, i believe that the image is in fact positive. Why? Well because in the picture above we see regular everyday Americans, exercising their constitutional right (which many thousands of people have died for the protection of) to freedom of speech. A right which the United States of America was founded on centuries ago.

Built as a country of freedom, a country for the people by the people and a country of hopes and dreams, America has certainly changed rapidly from its relatively recent birth. The negative image above shows how in modern day America, corporate interests seem to be valued far higher than the needs of the common man. The image shows a 'fat cat' labelled 'corporate interests' towering over the small man, labelled 'common people'. The tag line at the top of the image reads,'campaign contributions are equal to free speech'. Although the image is designed to unite the common man of America to spark change, the central image itself i feel is dark, negative and all too true.  

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