Thursday 31 October 2013

This is a link to a you tube clip which I found. Within the video it shows how much America has progressed through time.
Within De Crevecoeur's book he explains how it's strange how there are so many tourists in Europe where they go around and look at old ruins of buildings and history which has happened when they could visit America and see progress and a future being made. I think that this clip shows the real life American dream as within the video it doesn't only show what is happening in society today, and Americas succession, but it shows what America and many famous people and successors have come from. Progression being the main feature of the American dream.

Within the video (near the end) it explains how a boy's parents want him to strive to have even bigger dreams  and goals than what they have, as they hope that they have allowed him to have more opportunities than they ever had growing up. Obama's speech explains with in the video, about how his  family have struggled through life, I.E. slavery, however each generation want the next, their children to strive to achieve more, main example beings through the growth of Obama's, from slavery to know running one of the most if not the most successful country in the world, which helps to allow many other countries to continue to survive financially. America is a magical place where achieving goals is part of everyday life, wanting to achieve a little bit more to having the completeness of the succession of the overall individual dream.

A comment under the YouTube video, which caught my attention,states how the American dream is possible and not just for them lucky individuals. The boy explains how his parents came from nothing and were saving from the age of 12, their wages, to go to college. And now after putting in so much effort they have succeeded and now are very wealthy, being able to give their son all of the opportunities and more, which they never had. This was all due down to the thought of having the drive to achieve and succeed, being ale to have the real life American dream. People may not believe all of this, but there is also, it was explained, not specific American dream. There is no single one, everyone's is different as it depends on what you want to achieve and what you believe succession is.

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