Thursday 28 November 2013

This is a blog post that talks about the fact that the American Dream is a really thing and how it has changed over the years. I chose this because it is an important fact that it has changed. depending on what is happening in America and what is happening in the world at that time.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

‘Rags to Riches’
I have done some research to a story of someone who achieved the ‘American Dream’ but like within Ragged Dick had battles in which they faced. Within Ragged Dick fame fortune or even a stable life does not come easily and, elements like street rats and homeless children of course play a huge role in the book.
A contemporary life story which I find has a few elements of being related to the book Ragged Dick is the super star Kelly Clarkson. Kelly Clarkson is the 2002 winner or American Idol, but the way she came about winning was down to ‘luck’ and ‘pluck’ which relates to the book ‘Ragged Dick’.
Kelly Clarkson had a troubled life when she was younger her parents split up when she was 6 years old with her brother living with her father, sister with her aunt and herself living with her mum. Her mother would work long hours and Kelly was constantly moving. Kelly had to be responsible for herself and was very much neglected as a child as her mother did not have any time for her and Kelly was responsible for making food for herself including pack lunches for school this was all at a very young age of 6. Kelly’s mother didn’t earn a lot of money and on many occasions Kelly would have to make new clothes if she had grown out of her old ones.
But then however one of her friends told her about American Idol and how she should audition and through her talent and determination Kelly Clarkson managed to sing her way to having her own recording contract selling multimillion record al around the word. Her music especially the song ‘Break Away’ expose her hidden horrors of neglect and abuse as a younger child. By her hard work determination and coming from nothing shows how I believe a modern contemporary example of the achievement of ‘The American Dream’.
The way in which I believe Kelly Clarkson’s story links into Ragged Dick is through the ‘pluck and luck’. She has had a lot of luck being blessed with a talent like her voice and hearing about the audition similar to how Dick is often in the right place at the right time, Kelly was to hear about the audition. Pluck resulting in sacrifice and courage. Dick had to defend for himself and learn how to survive with not to the same extent Kelly also had to do as she was basically neglected by her family. Dick gets a tutor to learn more and this also links to Kelly auditioning for the show and in her earlier life making demo C.D’s to try and learn for herself about the industry and what is wanted of her again with Ragged Dick the idea of what is wanted to become a gentleman.
Both work hard and show determination to achieve the American Dream when they have both come from nothing and had to learn to defend for themselves from a very early age going through trial and error to find out how to survive and strive to be better than their parents.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Gun Control
The NRA is the National Rifle Association of America and is pro youth shooting sports across America. They were formed in 1871 by war veterans due to the fact that there was a lack of marksmanship from their troops. They wanted people to be educated in how to handle a gun. Children are learning from a young age how to handle a gun. This could be seen as a positive as they are educated in the safety of a weapon, but a negative due to the fact a child has the ability to handle a lethal weapon.
The demand a plan campaign is for citizens to demand a plan from their government for gun control. In this video they list out the names of school shootings and places where guns have caused caused question to humanity. The fact that celebrities have done this video is so that fans may have the same belief as them, as they would look up to them. They are not saying that guns should be banned, they are just suggesting a plan of action to sort out the terrible situations that not having gun control has created.

In my opinion gun control is a must due to guns getting in the wrong hands. If every person who had a gun had to have a licence and take courses to know how to handle a gun that would be understandable. Also the fact that more populated states such as New York and California have higher gun control show that it is not everywhere.
This is a website which I found off

This site is written by an organisation made up of mum who believe that they find guns very intimidating and don't think that they are necessary to have carrying on them at all times. They believe that guns pose too much if a danger and can be a huge safety hazard. There have been many many incidents where there have been terrible shootings killing over ten people at a time. This organisation believe that this should not even be possible and would like guns to be banned.
I can understand the point of view of everyone int he organisation. As carrying guns can pose a threat and result in deaths even if it wasn't intentional, anything could happen and they pose too much of a risk. Many teacher say that they wish to have firearms in the school desks but the risks I believe in a school especially are too high. As although the teacher says that they would be able to protect the children there are other ways to protect them. Firearms are not needed and it only takes a child to accidentally come across it when their unsupervised and result by accidentally killing another child. An accident which could have been prevented.

This website links to the moms demand action group. This group all held a protest to make an impression and whilst the moms demand action group where having a meeting on mass the group of open carry Texas came to the parking lot with their guns to prove a point. How it is fine to hold arms in public and if people wish too as the laws says they are allowed to they believe that they should be able to. On the site page for the open carry Texas they state how they want to make sure people feel comfortable around them whilst they are carrying their guns.

On the website it presents what their aims are and these are all very legit. Some people in America feel that they are safer carrying a dun around with them as it makes them feel safe and secure. In the past there have been many shootings and people whom have been involved have said that if they where allowed to carry a gun in their purse, freely and openly, they would have been able to help minimise the death toll.

Can this be argued as a good point to carry a firearm with you at all times? The chances of mass shootings happening is very low it does not happen all of the time and here are services who can come, such  as the police, within minutes to help sort out the situation. It also suggests that the people who carry firearms would be able to cope with the possible chance that they could kill someone and live with that.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Geronimo, Apache chief
image taken from, Oklahoma state university.

The picture above shows Apache Chief Geronimo (1829-1909). I believe that this images shows the negative implications of the term 'manifest destiny', as we see the Apache Chief dressed in a waist coat, trousers, and a coat with neck tie, and not in the traditional dress of the Apaches.

I think that this shows the way in which the culture and way of life of the (for lack of a better term) 'new Americans' is forced onto the Native peoples. I believe that this cultural imperialism of the new Americans comes with the manifestation of destiny, because as the culture of the new Americans grows and spreads with the population, it will certainly intrude and merge into other cultures and others way of life, and in this case the culture of these new Americans was to explore and gain land  in the frontier. Which is sure to intrude into other cultures.

This is an image of Little Chief who was a member of the Western Tribe. However this image does not suggest that he is part of a Native Indian Tribe. He has on a blazer smart, clean white shirt and a cravat, suggesting that he is of a high affluent power. The cleanliness of him with his smart clean outfit combed slick hair and over all neat appearance does not suggest that he lives with a tribe in the ‘wilderness’, it actually suggest the opposite. It shows that he may belong to a cavalry and have great power. There is a link within this picture to his Indian Heritage. In his hands he is holding a very decorative pipe. This was very often what Indians had and usually chiefs of tribes. The pip shows that he within his Native life is of a high power. The pipe I believe is very significant within this picture it shows by the clothes and the neatness of his hair and overall appearance that he is not an Indian, which is what the easterners wanted ( the elimination of native Indians) for them to be like them. But the pipe shows that although they have changed his overall appearance they will never be able to change his heritage. The roots of his past and family. These elements of the past are what makes him who he is and these clothes and neat appearance are just a costume to cover whom he really is, to give the impression and image to the outsiders eye that he is really a proper gentleman.

Thursday 7 November 2013

AL GORE 2000

In this campaign video from Al Gore in 2000. The themes shown in this video are America as a nation who care about their envrironment, the outdoors man. The fact that they care so much about drilling close to america in the ocean shows they dont want their nation affected for the short term energy it currently supplies them with. The children playing by the ocean at the end reads the line 'we must create a future worthy of our children'. This is showing that if they dont do anything about the enrironmental issues now, it will affect future generations. This is an strong point which is close to americans hearts in the fact that they want family values to play an important role from their leaders. Politicians to supports family and education is normally a bit part of a campaign. He also refers to the review as 'good stewards'. This bilical reference is linking americans to the bible, and with christianality being very important in America, this would be important to the viewer.
This is an reassuring advertisment, as he sounds like he really does want a better future for americans, and usually the envrironment isnt a high priority for politicians. His eye contact with the camera makes him seem sincere and it seems important to the veiwer to listen to him as he is making so much eye contact.  
It seems to me that talking about the envrironment is an distraction. Once a politician starts talking about the envrironnment, they are usually using it as an distraction from something else.

week 3 - countries views about America.

Germany:German views of US influence have worsened significantly over the last year, with negative attitudes increasing from 65 to 74 percent. Only 16 percent of respondents say they have a mostly positive view of US influence in the world, down from 21 percent. Negative attitudes about the US are also reflected in German views of US handling the war in Iraq, with an overwhelming 88 percent disapproving of the US approach to this issue. Germans also judge the United States harshly on its handling of the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo (89% disapprove), global warming (84% disapprove) and the Israel-Hezbollah war (74% disapprove). Significant majorities disapprove of the approach to Iran's nuclear program (64%), as well as to North Korea's nuclear situation (56%). Nearly three in four Germans (73%) believes the US is a destabilizing force in the Middle East, with just 17 percent saying the US military presence is a stabilizing element.

China: Views of the US in China have improved slightly over the past year, though remain negative. Positive views of US influence in the world have increased from 22 to 28 percent, while the majority having a negative view of US influence has fallen from 62 to 52 percent. However, Chinese attitudes about US foreign policy are largely negative in most areas: an overwhelming 83 percent disapproves of US handling of the war in Iraq, while a two-thirds (66%) disapproves of US actions in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. The Chinese also have 60 percent disapproving of the US on Iran's nuclear program and 56 percent on North Korea's nuclear situation. Fifty-nine percent of respondents in China also disapprove of US treatment of detainees at Guantanamo and other prisons. Interestingly, a slight plurality (39%) of Chinese respondents approves of US handling of the issue of global warming. Most Chinese see the US military presence in the Middle East as provoking more conflict than it prevents, with 72 percent holding this view.

These are views of two different countries about America and the first one is Germany and they have a negative view of American for example they are upset about America's views on the war in Iraq and how America are dealing with global warming and three in four Germans believe that the American forces in the middle east are destabilizing the environment and the citizens whereas only 17% believe they are having a positive effect. 

The second view is the view of China and their views are slightly more positive than Germany but still negative overall, they believe that America isn't handling the war in Iraq very well and it disapproves of the actions they are taking to settle the conflicts. but 39% of Chinese people say that America are handling Global warming well. but once again they disapprove of America in the Middle East saying that they are provoking more conflict between the two countries.

These views also emulated across the world and most people have negative views about America because of what it has gotten itself into and how it is trying to dig itself out of the situations it is in. 

immigration in America

This is a map showing the immigration that happens in america, the darker patches are where the most people have immigrated to. This is showing us that people are moving away from the places that are hugely populated and are moving towards the less populated areas and cleaner areas of america. The fact that Florida has many people immigrating there is because the older generation of Americans are moving towards a slower life and many people move there because it is warm and it is a nice place to spend the retirement years. And as you can see there is a trend of people moving towards the western side of America, to places like California where it is hot. And people are also moving towards the southern America to places like Texas. I believe that the huge migration number s are subsequent of overcrowded areas for example New York is an extremely busy place to live and people are wanting a more relaxed way of life so they go to places where it is less dense.

'what is an American'

De Crevecoeur asked 'what is an American?' and I believe that this picture describes an American well, this is someone wearing an American flag tracksuit, this portrays patriotism for America and this is what I believe an American is, I believe that an American is a patriotic and determined person, Americans really back their country somewhat more than other countries because Americans believe that they are one nation stood together and no one can stop the force of a nation. I particularly believe that Americans are in fact one of the only nations to believe in this fact that they are one nation, in the UK we all stand together on a united front when there are celebrations happening for example the Royal wedding or the Olympics but other then the national celebrations that happen people don't walk around believing in their country unlike america where nearly every household will have the American flag flying from their front porch because Americans are so patriotic and they believe. In this country there will only be certain times of the year you might see the union flag or the English flag. This is why America is individual in the fact that they are one of the only nations that patriotism is portrayed in everyday life and circumstances. So to conclude an American is a patriotic and loving person of their country and they will believe in their country in whatever it does.  

Barack Obama's TV advert about choice

This is an election advert for the 2012 election, it is Barack Obama's video about 'The choice'.

In this video Barack Obama talks about the choices Americans are going to have to make and he explains that Mitt Romney's plans for America will not work because they have already tried it it put America in the financial mess it is in. He then talks about his proposals about the way in which he is going to strengthen the economy by strengthening the middle class citizens and he is going to invest in education, manufacturing and American energy in the sense of solar energy. He says that this will help the economy and it will help the middle class with jobs and this will help them pay the bills. He says that sometimes politics can be small but the choices we face couldn't be bigger. This advert is in the common lay out of a election advert, it has the beginning where he is expresses his thoughts about how the other parties ideas are not going to help the country but his ideas are going to help the citizens that need the most help and economy will strengthen because of it. And he keeps the message quite wide saying that it is your choice and it is a really big choice, he is just giving the public the two sides but obviously he is biast towards his ideas as he thinks that they are better.  

Clinton 1992

The video linked above is one of Bill Clinton's presidential ad campaign commercials from 1992. During the video Clinton talks about his humble up bringing with his grandfather in Hope, Arkansas. I believe he talks so much about his up bringing in small town America as he hopes to connect with the average Americans, who were also brought up in a similar fashion. A recurrent theme throughout the ad is Clinton's passion and life long dream of politics and helping others, we can see this clearly as soon as 12 seconds into the ad where Clinton talks of when he met president Kennedy, he tells us he remembers thinking of what a wonderful country this is. I believe he talks of his passion for helping people so strongly in his ad to really drive the point that he really does care, and he really does want to make a difference for everybody in the country.

Clinton ends his ad with the phrase, 'bring hope, back to the American dream'. Clinton wanted to put across this message throughout his campaign, as throughout the video he talks of his humble up bringing, and of having no money, and yet he has been able to work his way through school and run for president of the United States of America. This to me, is a perfect example of the American dream, which i believe is why Clinton felt so strongly about it.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

George Bush 2000

The link which I have chosen is from George Bush’s election campaign add in 2000, which I found on youtube which was posted on the web by ‘Plopsmom’, who have got a range on videos on their page but also have quite a few different election videos from different campaigns. Within the advertisement video it is clear that it is a persuasive video trying to get the Americans to vote for Bush to be president.
On word which keep re-occurring within the video is the word ‘I trust you’, by repeating the word trust is making the viewers have the thought of when trust is said they think of Bush, therefore believing in him to make a better government, ‘trusting’ him. The way in which Bush uses the word trust, is the way where he is enforcing the matter that by the voters voting for him and trusting him he will also trust in return the voters, giving them more of a say and responsibility in being able to speak up and take action that they want to take with issues within America.
After listening and watching the video of Bush’s advertisement video I came away thinking that it was reassuring, and felt like he meant what he said and wanted America to be more united and work together. Bush also mentioned his other opponent saying ‘he trusts government, I trust you’. By him saying that his opponent trusting government put the thoughts into viewer’s heads that there will be a middle man between the peoples voice, what they want and action being taken. Whereas Bush saying ‘I trust you’  gives the impression that he doesn’t rely on government and is strong and stable to be able to speak out for the people and be able to communicate with them one on one. This will increase votes showing and presenting reassurance that all issues that the people want to and need to be solved will be.

I have also selected this video of Barack Obama’s campaign video as there are similar elements to both videos which are very alike if not the same, I also found this video on youtube but it is published by the Wall Street Journal. At the start of the video Obama get very personal and interacts with the viewer’s making it seem like he is directly talking to them, this is shown when he says ‘if I was to sit round your kitchen table with you’, by making statements like this presents a friendly vibe and conveys the impression that he wants to get to know his citizens and help them directly learning all of their views one on one. This is similar to Bush’s video as he also tries to connect with the audience one on one stating how he trusts them like they should trust him.
It is also mentioned in the video by Barack of his opponent, Romney. However Obama goes into Romneys views in more depth, unlike Bush who makes a comment on the issue. By Obama statements and elaborating on it give the assumption that he is driven to achieve and isn’t afraid to stand up and face opposing issues, such as his opponent Romney.

The recurrent theme that has come across in both of these videos is the idea of working together and listening to on another. To not only try and achieve what the President wants and think is best but also to try and gain trust between different classes to hear all of their views. Within each campaign the idea of looking out and after one another personally sticks out for me as although each of the presidents are trying to win votes they both include the viewers and try to gain their trust and prove they can achieve what America wants and what is best for the country.