Wednesday 6 November 2013

George Bush 2000

The link which I have chosen is from George Bush’s election campaign add in 2000, which I found on youtube which was posted on the web by ‘Plopsmom’, who have got a range on videos on their page but also have quite a few different election videos from different campaigns. Within the advertisement video it is clear that it is a persuasive video trying to get the Americans to vote for Bush to be president.
On word which keep re-occurring within the video is the word ‘I trust you’, by repeating the word trust is making the viewers have the thought of when trust is said they think of Bush, therefore believing in him to make a better government, ‘trusting’ him. The way in which Bush uses the word trust, is the way where he is enforcing the matter that by the voters voting for him and trusting him he will also trust in return the voters, giving them more of a say and responsibility in being able to speak up and take action that they want to take with issues within America.
After listening and watching the video of Bush’s advertisement video I came away thinking that it was reassuring, and felt like he meant what he said and wanted America to be more united and work together. Bush also mentioned his other opponent saying ‘he trusts government, I trust you’. By him saying that his opponent trusting government put the thoughts into viewer’s heads that there will be a middle man between the peoples voice, what they want and action being taken. Whereas Bush saying ‘I trust you’  gives the impression that he doesn’t rely on government and is strong and stable to be able to speak out for the people and be able to communicate with them one on one. This will increase votes showing and presenting reassurance that all issues that the people want to and need to be solved will be.

I have also selected this video of Barack Obama’s campaign video as there are similar elements to both videos which are very alike if not the same, I also found this video on youtube but it is published by the Wall Street Journal. At the start of the video Obama get very personal and interacts with the viewer’s making it seem like he is directly talking to them, this is shown when he says ‘if I was to sit round your kitchen table with you’, by making statements like this presents a friendly vibe and conveys the impression that he wants to get to know his citizens and help them directly learning all of their views one on one. This is similar to Bush’s video as he also tries to connect with the audience one on one stating how he trusts them like they should trust him.
It is also mentioned in the video by Barack of his opponent, Romney. However Obama goes into Romneys views in more depth, unlike Bush who makes a comment on the issue. By Obama statements and elaborating on it give the assumption that he is driven to achieve and isn’t afraid to stand up and face opposing issues, such as his opponent Romney.

The recurrent theme that has come across in both of these videos is the idea of working together and listening to on another. To not only try and achieve what the President wants and think is best but also to try and gain trust between different classes to hear all of their views. Within each campaign the idea of looking out and after one another personally sticks out for me as although each of the presidents are trying to win votes they both include the viewers and try to gain their trust and prove they can achieve what America wants and what is best for the country.

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