Wednesday 13 November 2013

Geronimo, Apache chief
image taken from, Oklahoma state university.

The picture above shows Apache Chief Geronimo (1829-1909). I believe that this images shows the negative implications of the term 'manifest destiny', as we see the Apache Chief dressed in a waist coat, trousers, and a coat with neck tie, and not in the traditional dress of the Apaches.

I think that this shows the way in which the culture and way of life of the (for lack of a better term) 'new Americans' is forced onto the Native peoples. I believe that this cultural imperialism of the new Americans comes with the manifestation of destiny, because as the culture of the new Americans grows and spreads with the population, it will certainly intrude and merge into other cultures and others way of life, and in this case the culture of these new Americans was to explore and gain land  in the frontier. Which is sure to intrude into other cultures.

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