Thursday 7 November 2013

AL GORE 2000

In this campaign video from Al Gore in 2000. The themes shown in this video are America as a nation who care about their envrironment, the outdoors man. The fact that they care so much about drilling close to america in the ocean shows they dont want their nation affected for the short term energy it currently supplies them with. The children playing by the ocean at the end reads the line 'we must create a future worthy of our children'. This is showing that if they dont do anything about the enrironmental issues now, it will affect future generations. This is an strong point which is close to americans hearts in the fact that they want family values to play an important role from their leaders. Politicians to supports family and education is normally a bit part of a campaign. He also refers to the review as 'good stewards'. This bilical reference is linking americans to the bible, and with christianality being very important in America, this would be important to the viewer.
This is an reassuring advertisment, as he sounds like he really does want a better future for americans, and usually the envrironment isnt a high priority for politicians. His eye contact with the camera makes him seem sincere and it seems important to the veiwer to listen to him as he is making so much eye contact.  
It seems to me that talking about the envrironment is an distraction. Once a politician starts talking about the envrironnment, they are usually using it as an distraction from something else.

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